mysql backup
April 11, 2017
🔗mysqldump + xz + openssl
First add to .my.cnf
the proper username/password to avoid getting a warning:
host = localhost
user = dbadmin
password = secret
To take the dump and keep it only for 31 days:
DAY=$(date +%d)
mysqldump --events --routines --triggers --add-drop-database --compress --hex-blob --opt --skip-comments --single-transaction dbname | \
xz -c | \
openssl smime -encrypt -aes256 -binary -out /safe/path/${DAY}.sql.xz.enc -outform DER /path/to/cert.pem
The options used:
mysqldump --events --routines --triggers --add-drop-database --compress --hex-blob --opt --skip-comments --single-transaction --databases dbname
The --databases option will add the CREATE DATABASE
Example multiple databases:
mysqldump --events --routines --triggers \
--add-drop-database --compress --hex-blob \
--opt --skip-comments --single-transaction \
--databases dbname dbname2 dbname3
Compress the output:
xz -c
-c is to write to stdout
🔗openssl (encrypt)
Encrypt the backup using asymmetric encryption (key pairs):
openssl smime -encrypt -aes256 -stream -binary -out /safe/path/${DAY}.sql.xz.enc -outform DER /path/to/cert.pem
Notice the -stream option, it helps to encrypt files bigger than 1.5 GB, and ouput is piped: xz -c |
How to create a pair of keys using openssl:
$ openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha256 -nodes -keyout example.key -out example.pem -subj "/" -days 3650
To add password to the key remove the
(No DES encryption) options.
openssl smime -decrypt -in database.sql.xz.enc -binary -inform DEM -inkey example.key -out database.sql.xz
xz -d database.sql.xz