Hi, I am passionate about Automation/Cloud/Shared/Distributed computing using FreeBSD as the main operating system and Rust as a programming language.

I work mainly as a SRE/Operations Engineer applying DevOps methodologies trying to automate as much as possible, once I have the infrastructure in an optimal state, I use my spare time to improve my programming skills.

Some of my projects can be found in my GitHub account: nbari

These notes are based on my work and experience, the goal of writing them is to be available to use them as a reference and share knowledge, besides improving my writing skills.

If you want to get in touch with me or think hiring me is a possibility, kindly get in touch with me:

$ dig about.nbari.com txt +short

Using ssh-vault:

$ echo "your message" | ssh-vault -u nbari create msg2nbari.txt

Keybase: nbari